Home Fitness Training Tips to Get Ripped In 60 Days

We’ve all heard this promise from TV and magazine fitness ads for years … but how do we ACTUALLY increase our strength, flexibility, definition and endurance while losing tummy fat and excess weight in 60 days?  Some home DVD workout programs are crap … but there are many that work extremely well, but only if we do …

Begin with a commitment to yourself.  Reaching our goals is about loving ourselves enough to do what we say we’re going to do.  The incredible thing about this process is that it not only gets us to our goals and dreams, but we get the results we want AND gain even more confidence and self-love.  This may seem selfish to you.  Actually, it’s the opposite.  The more we care about ourselves and treat ourselves well, the more we can accept and love and help others.

Be completely prepared to start the program and see it through for at least 60 days.  What we really want is consistent changes to our lifestyle.   Watch and listen to the DVD directions and simply follow what you are told and demonstrated.  The high quality programs are designed by personal trainers and exercise physiologists that really know their stuff – why should we reinvent the wheel and “do it our way”?  It is essential to perform the the workouts correctly and thoroughly. Doing everything the correct way will highly improve your chances of getting your final results you want and guarantees getting ripped.

That being said, some programs are really tough.  When you’re starting out, just do your best, do what you can and you will soon be able to complete the whole workout.  Listen to your body and don’t let your ego take over – this may lead to injury or exhaustion – remember, we want a consistent lifestyle change, so regular workouts and a healthy food menu is super important.

These programs usually incorporate a calorie burning physical exercise session.  Combine that with a healthy food menu and you WILL get the results you want.  It helps you burn off your fat in such a way that you can look in the mirror and you smile as you admire your leaner body in 60 days.  They include routines that focus on balanced exercising all your muscles and intense cardio with a very good warmup and stretching to keep you limber and injury-free.  Many home DVD workouts are created to be accomplished in an hour or less a day.  I highly recommend a program called Insanity.  It may sound crazy, but if you stick with it, you will get the results you want.  To get more information on this workout or buy it for yourself or a loved one, simply click on this link … Insanity will help you get ripped in 60 days!

I hope you’ve enjoyed these Fitness Training Tips,

To Your Health,

Coach Jim

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