Why get Daily Fitness Tips?

Daily Fitness Tips help with Losing Tummy Fat

Getting a daily reminder or motivational message can really help us reach our goals.  Research has shown that people who read something educational, motivational or useful every day make 67% more progress than those who don’t.

One of the keys to successful tips is to have them be short – if it’s an email or article, less than a half a page is best.  If it’s a video message, 4-7 minutes is optimal.  Many of us are quite busy with kids, jobs, and life in general.  We need time to shop for and prepare healthy meals and to exercise, stretch, meditate, walk (and sleep), so if the tips are too long, people will ignore them and not get the benefit from reading/viewing them.

What are the most important tips for improving your health, fitness, energy level and stamina?  The best daily fitness training tips include information on healthy food, nutritional recipes and a healthy food menu.  Convenient exercises are helpful – using body weight workouts or 15 minute workouts are great for busy people or business travellers.  Motivational tips are super important as well.  Often we wake up tired or can’t work out until we get home from work, and we need all the motivation we can get to work out regularly and not grab the sugary high calorie snacks.

Another great reason for daily fitness tips is to get consistency in your training and exercise program.  Studies have clearly shown that working out daily not only burns more calories while exercising, but raises your metabolism over time, helps you sleep and recover better and have higher brain function.

Here’s some examples of helpful daily fitness tips to get you started:

  • Keep a journal of what you eat – exactly what and how much.  This one tip helps people lose weight quickly.  This is the same principle that helps people become more efficient or even save money by journaling expenses and income.
  • Workout in a class or with a friend.  Have you noticed that when someone else is counting on you to be there, you’re much more reliable?  It’s also much more fun and you can watch all the fit bodies in the gym J
  • Schedule your workouts just as you would a dentist appointment, a business meeting or other important events in your life.  That way you can schedule around it, and not just get so busy that you run out of day …

What’s your fitness or health goals for this year?  If you want to be sure to reach your goals, improve your health, fitness, energy level and confidence, be sure to get your free daily fitness tips or sign up for fitness training tips today!

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