The Secrets for Losing Tummy Fat

One of our fellow Free Daily Fitness Tips members wrote me this question:

“hi coach Jim, i’ve reduced some fat through your programme. but the stomach fat isn’t reducing & am wondering why? please tell me what to do. thanks, i appreciate every thing. God bless you.”

Here was my reply:

Great question – thank you!

I’m so glad you’re getting results – keep up the great work and consistency.  Often, losing tummy fat is the toughest to remove or the last fat to leave our body.   For some other people, the last remaining extra fat is on their buttocks.  There are several factors for this.  Sometimes it’s genetic, but more often it’s our diet and exercise habits.  The solution lies in developing healthy eating and exercise habits, but not only that, develop a healthy mental attitude.

What does that mean?  It means believing in yourself, it means having faith in yourself and the results will come.  That’s what will keep you making good eating choices and exercising on days when you’re tired or don’t feel like it.  Picture the ideal body you really want – how will you look?  How will you feel?  Your vision of yourself is what will keep you going.

Alcohol and stress also are big contributors to retaining fat in our mid-section.  Meditation or yoga are great stress releasers.  I choose to run to relieve stress.  Sometimes just sitting at your desk and taking 7 deep slow breaths is a wonderful stress buster.  If you really want fast results, abstain from alcohol – at least 5 days a week and in moderation always.  Alcohol is a molecule very similar to sugar – from a biochemical perspective, our bodies can make fat very easily from either molecule.  That’s why we recommend raw foods and unprocessed foods as much as possible.

In previous emails I mentioned that fat loss is a fairly easy equation – calories in minus calories burned = fat gain or loss.  It’s not totally that simple, but those are the key factors.  Another thing that’s important is to lose fat gradually.  Many people who lose fat quickly, gain it back quickly.  Develop good habits over time, keep the faith and make good daily choices.  Those are the keys to losing tummy fat, getting a flat stomach and a happy, healthy life.

To Your Health,

Coach Jim

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