Losing Tummy Fat with a Healthy Food Menu

Have you tried the many diets out there that promise to have the secret to weight loss?  If they worked why would you be reading this article?  I’m so glad you stopped by.

The keys to getting new results is to form new habits, new actions and new behaviors.  Many of us have bad habits that have been solidified over several years. But you can change your life as long as you make a stand to finally make positive changes in your life like so many people have. If you really want to lose weight fast, just keep reading to find the latest techniques people have used to finally shed their excess weight once and for all.  I believe the best way to change diet habits is to make the change easy, delicious and fast.  We’re all super busy, and we need time to exercise as well, so I’ll make this as simple, cheap and easy as possible for you to succeed in your quest for losing tummy fat.

Another fact about us human beings is that we do better as teams.  We evolved to be social beings and live in tribes.  It’s always been more efficient to hunt, gather, cook, have fun, etc… with others helping out.  It’s the same with diet or exercise.  How can you support yourself with helpful people?  Join a gym or exercise class.  Join weight-watchers, hang out with healthy, fit people.  Sign up for and do a charity walk a thon, bike ride, run, swim, triathlon, etc… As an example, I do volunteer work with ski patrol – it gets me outside exercising all day, having fun and I enjoy helping people.

There are also online weight loss support groups, workout videos you can do at home, and software that helps you track your goals, how many calories you eat/burn with all sorts of support on forums.  My favorite is Team Beachbody – Click here to check out the system I use.   An onine support group or site may be a way for you to lose weight quickly if doing it on your own doesn’t appeal to you. Every person knows that losing weight quickly takes dieting and it takes exercising.  In my humble opinion, it’s not so much about losing weight quickly (of course that’s always nice) but it’s about changing your lifestyle and habits to lose weight, be more healthy and fit and stay that way for the rest of your life.

While we’re on the subject of losing tummy fat with a healthy food menu, I should quickly mention that it’s all about calories in vs. calories out.  A super tip is to do strength training.  Check out our body weight workouts to see great exercises that use only your body weight – no gym, no weights, no cost …

Eat smaller portions more often rather than large portions less often.   I used to skip breakfast, eat a small lunch and then a huge dinner because I was so hungry.  Talk about doing everything wrong!!   Breakfast is a very important meal.  It energizes your brain and body for the day, and keeps your body from storing fat.  If you eat 5 smaller meals/snacks a day, then you won’t be super hungry for dinner.  Be sure to eat dinner early – say before 6pm.  That way your dinner is half digested by the time you get to bed, and while you’re sleeping, your body will burn excess adipose tissue and convert it to glycogen for tomorrow’s workout.  What you eat is also very important.  When you go to the store, buy plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit.  Also, keep plenty of frozen vegetables in the freezer, and that way you can easily lightly steam them for any meal.  Vegetables and leafy greens are the best secret for losing tummy fat.  They have plenty of fiber, fill you up and have wonderful nutrients and great energy for you.  You may not really enjoy vegetables … is that true?  If so, please hang in there and eat your vegetables.  As you get healthier and more fit, your body will actually crave vegetables, and they WILL taste great.  If you don’t believe it, include vegetables in 3 of your meals a day for 30 days – trust me, it works.

Getting rid of weight is really about lifestyle changes a healthy food menu and new habits. You have to pay attention to everything you eat, and make sure you are getting enough exercise. Even if you want to see a quick outcome, the most important thing is to start new habits that you can always follow. If you remember the concepts we have discussed in this article, losing weight will not be hard for you.

PS – here’s a little secret … I use delicious (Chocolate), nutritious, easy to make shakes in my healthy food menu.  Many folks who try this lose 10 pounds in their first month.  If you want to check it out, simply go to Secrets for Losing Tummy Fat with Delicious Chocolate Shakes.

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