Body Weight Workouts for Losing Tummy Fat

Are you psyched about losing tummy fat?  That is the best feeling – to finally see your six pack abs again that you’ve worked so hard to develop.

Losing fat is a matter of consistently burning more calories than you’re eating.  The best approach is to have a slight (100 – 300) caloric deficit diet for a longer period of time rather than starving yourself short-term.  Your results will last longer, you will be healthier and have more energy during the process.  Eating less and eating lots of low-calorie vegetables is a great way to cut calories.  I have been an athlete my whole life, and love to eat.  When I was running 100 miles a week, I could eat tons of food and the quality didn’t matter that much.  Now that I’m 50 and exercising less, it’s more important to have a healthy food menu.  The point of sharing my brief history is that if you work out consistently, you burn more calories and get to eat more and still have the slight caloric deficit we’re targeting.  Isn’t that good news?

Usually belly and the gluteus maximus area fat is the last to go, so losing tummy fat is a sign that your healthy food menu, body weight workouts, ab workouts for 6 pack and following our fitness training tips is working!  The thing you’ll love about these workouts is that you can do them just about anywhere, anytime and for free!  Here’s some specific body weight workouts for losing tummy fat:

1)  Bicycles:  Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your hands on the floor right next to your belt line.  Keep your back straight and face forward – don’t have your chin in your chest.  Lift both feet off the ground and do a bicycling motion for 10 – 20 reps.  Repeat in the opposite direction.

2)  Crunches:  Lie on your back with your knees bent and heels on the floor.  Place your fingers lightly behind your ears.  Lift only your upper body with your abdominal muscles until you can’t go any higher without bending at your waist and do this 10 – 20 times.  Be careful not to use your hands to lift your torso, and keep your heels on the floor.

3)  Transverse Crunches:  Use the same body position as in crunches, but when you are in the lying down position, put your elbows out to the sides of your head.  Lift your right elbow to your left knee, then lower down, lift your left elbow to your right knee and repeat 10 – 20 times.

4)  Scissors:  Lie on your back, and tighten up your abdominal muscles – try to pull your belly button down towards your spine.  Then slowly lift your legs until your heels are 6 inches off the floor, being careful not to arch your lower back.  Now alternate lifting your right leg up to 12 inches off the floor while lowering your left leg to 1 inch off the floor – now switch and you’ll find yourself doing a freestyle kicking motion on your back.  Enjoy the burn while the fat melts away.

5)  Kick-Outs:  Stand straight up with your arms stretched out in front of you with your palms facing down.  Keeping your legs straight, alternate lifting one leg at a time, trying to kick your outstretched hand.  Repeat each side 10 – 20 times.

Do you have a great exercise idea for more ab workouts for 6 pack abs or for losing tummy fat?  If so, please describe your favorite exercise by leaving a comment below.

PS – you don’t need to do ab workouts every day – 3 times a week will work wonders for you.

To Your Health, Coach Jim


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