Losing Tummy Fat Fast Tips

Stop overeating- start losing tummy fat!

One of the biggest obstacles in losing tummy fat is overeating. It often happens without us realizing it. Seeing or smelling food can trigger the urge to eat, even when we are full. Mindless eating can really set you back on any kind of diet plan. Following these tips will help you to eat more mindfully and stick to your diet plan.

Tip 1: Stay hydrated. Often, you may feel hungry soon after a meal. Most likely, you are simply dehydrated.  Drinking water pumps your body full of energy and also fills you up.  This will help you avoid the urge to snack between meals.

Tip 2: Eat your protein.  Food such as lean meats, fish, eggs and beans are full of protein and will satisfy your hunger faster and stay in your system longer than carbohydrates or fats. Eating too many carbohydrates will cause your blood sugar to peak and then drop, causing an energy loss and the desire to munch on something again.  This can lead to overeating.

Tip 3: Chew your food. You should chew your food at least 30 times before swallowing so your stomach won’t have to work as hard to digest its food. This will also help you eat more slowly, which as a result will make you eat less but still feel full

Tip 4: Put healthy food on your plate. These are foods with lots of fiber but don’t have a lot of calories.   Your healthy food menu should include lots of veggies.  Eating lots of vegetables, like a salad with light dressing, with your meal will fill you up faster and help you avoid overeating on the higher calorie stuff.

Tip 5: Take time to enjoy your food. Cook a good meal, set the table, turn the TV off and make meal time an event. Cutting out the distractions will allow you to eat slower and pay attention to what you are eating, and how much. It also allows time to share food with friends and family.

Tip 6: Move. Exercise doesn’t make you hungry but it can make you feel good.  If you feel good about yourself you will be more inclined to make healthy food choices and avoid overeating –and losing tummy fat will be much easier!

Using these simple daily fitness tips, you can easily combat overeating and focus on a healthy approach to weight loss.

To Your Health!

Coach Jim

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